Friday, January 31, 2025

Starting the Cambridge portfolio project

     From now on, the blogs I'll be posting will be a start to end story on a 2 month "Portfolio project" for AICE media. All of these posts will be taken as a huge chunk of my final grade for the class. As scary as it seems, I've seen every review and critique my teacher has made on my writing for the whole first semester and plan to fix every mistake I've made in the past to maximize the score I get on my final. Like the other project, we started off by researching our topic, movie openings, and then the class was further introduced to the actual project. We were instructed to make a 2-minute video, similar to the music project, but instead of a music video it will be an opening to a fiction movie. Here is a photo of notes I took on the lesson(sorry for the handwriting). 

The first step would be what theme my project will be on but before that I had to find who would be my partner. I went to the regular people I collaborate with but they along with the teacher thought it’d be better to work on our projects separately and help each other out if possible. 

edit: last second I was accepted into a group that liked my idea and if we all get on the same page, I think it could benefit our project.) 

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CCR Question #3

 Now, since we need 2 videos, 2 answered questions each, and since this is the 3rd question, I need another video idea! Now the 3rd and 4th ...