Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Blog

 We had out first media studies filming project, a “One Word Film” where we were assigned to make a minute to a minute and 30 second video without sound about a word and express it without audio. You were allowed to work with one partner and a chose the guy in front of me, Christian. We got the word “relieved” from our teacher and got to work on ideas. We thought back to the last time we were relieved and a test being canceled seemed like a pretty good scene. We wrote it down and saved it for next class

   In this class I wasn’t able to make it but I did as much as I could from home but my teammate did most of the work in the brainstorm sheet, but still using our idea. 

   When I got to class the next day he showed me it and it looked amazing, exactly like how we thought it. Since he did the brainstorming sheet I drew it up on the storyboard. 15 photos with mini explanations on each slide which served useful during the production process. 

   We now had the recording up next. After the last 2 papers, it was pretty simple, like following instructions, we even had pictures! We finished quite early which gave us time to relax and think about what we are going to do for the editing part. 

   I’ve always liked iMovie for its compatibility with iPhone and ease of use so I picked that software. Put all the videos in one project then edited them all carefully. After about an hour of playing with the setting I got the perfect video using the best clips and turned it in.

   I don’t think I would’ve done anything different and I still haven’t gotten a grade back but I followed the instructions carefully and think an A is in my future. 


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CCR Question #3

 Now, since we need 2 videos, 2 answered questions each, and since this is the 3rd question, I need another video idea! Now the 3rd and 4th ...