In one of my favorite shows of all time, “How I Met Your Mother” or HIMYM, there are many objects which come up a lot that represent something between characters. The series is about the main character, Ted and his friends, Lily, Robin, Barney, and Marshal living the live of a group of friends in their 30s in New York. Throughout the show there are many scenes where it’s Ted talking to his future kids about his young life which is where the name comes from and we are just sitting with them experiencing the story. On the first episode Ted and Robin get into a relationship which quickly ends and turns into a “will they won’t they” through the show.
During their first date, they bonded over a blue French horn which then became a symbol for their love, after he stole it from the restaurant and proposed a relationship with her at her front door with the instrument in his hands. In the episode they broke up in, Ted went back to the restaurant which he stole the horn from as a symbol that their relationship was over. During their break up phase, Ted confessed his love to Robin by showing up to her house with an orchestra, using all blue instruments. There are many other mentions of the blue french horn throughout the show and here’s a photo of it in the original resturant with the couple staring at it.
Another important symbol is Ted’s and Marshal’s swords. When the 2 friends from college moved in together in the streets of New York, they bought 2 swords which were hung over the fire place and seen in every episode. They were given the story in the episode where Lily, Marshals girlfriend, wanted to take it down and replace it with one of her paintings but Ted refused as he held the blades dear to his heart. It was also used in an episode early on where they fought with the blades to see who would keep the apartment, here is a picture from that episode.
The show is an absolute masterpiece and easily getting that number one spot in my heart. Of course I’m leaving out very special representation patterns like the yellow umbrella or the beaten up house on the outside of town but I’d love for you to check those out for yourselves on Netflix.
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