Leo, the main character's name which we found after researching boys names, seemed strong and resilient. Coming from the word "lion" and being a symbol of strength seems like a good fit for the guy we have battling a demon.
His development from even the start to the end of the opening is huge. Starting off as a normal kid who is eating with his family to being introduced to his demon and understanding that it has been an issue in the past is a big change.
This is how we want him perceived in a mood board:
The mood board shows all his depressed teenager side, his haunted side, and his brave side which we think fits him perfectly.Next character we have to mold is the therapist. Possibly a woman to give a more open and warm type vibe. Again with the time restraints, we don’t want to give the spotlight to the wrong person and we believe leaving her as “the therapist” and as an active side character instead of a main character would be beneficial, at least to the opening.
And finally, the best(or at least the coolest) for last, Erebus. We aren't doing a fight club type thing where both characters are the same person but the mood board for Leo, at least some parts of it, also give off the vibes we want Erebus to give.
Some words that describe him could be supernatural, mysterious, and strong. This might be a weird comparison, but we had a substitute teacher and as soon as you walked into the class you could tell he was in charge just off of what he was wearing and his body language and that is exactly what we want for Erebus in his little dark universe.
With any luck we can use the techniques we have learned in the school year and produce everything we are thinking perfectly, or at least close.
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