Saturday, March 1, 2025

Problems!(there was a big one🙁)

 SO, you might've noticed in my last 2 blogs I've been talking about filming like we are going to do it later, and this is weird because this was supposed to be our filming week. Now we thought to do half of the filming on I believe Thursday after school and the other half either on Friday or Saturday and this week to be all about editing, but we hit a little obstacle. So Nico saw this thing on the popular show "The Boys"(an amazing show on Prime Video) where the name of the show was written on the floor and a car went over it and it transitioned out of that scene into inside the car. He showed it to us in class but I cannot for the life of met find that scene on YouTube or anywhere else. 

 Regardless, Nico borrowed a drone and filmed that whole thing and all the scenes we needed for inside the car and we were all fine, ready to film the next day, and get to editing, but he realized that night that ALL off the stuff that their filmed on the drone and inside the car was SUPER bad quality, like 260p.(this was kind of how it looked and the angle we wanted). 

So we deleted all of that and scrapped that cool little opening and we will now be filming on either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week(3/4 or 3/5)

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CCR Question #3

 Now, since we need 2 videos, 2 answered questions each, and since this is the 3rd question, I need another video idea! Now the 3rd and 4th ...